Having available evidence based data is important for every advocacy strategy and event. Here you can find a pool of materials that provide you with such data.
The report from Sweden “…Then again, they are not totally stupid either”
This Rose Alliance report provides, for the very first time, an extensive and detailed documentation of the myriad of ways in which sex workers are discriminated against in Sweden. It illustrates how laws and their implementation harm them, how poorly they are treated by authorities and how skewed media representations of them are. It also […]
More InfoReport from Serbia: ‘Law above all and court practices: Impact of the criminalization of sex work on the human rights of sex workers and trafficked persons in Serbia’
Это новый доклад, посвященный влиянию законов, которые криминализируют секс-работу в Сербии, на защиту прав секс-работников, а также жертв торговли людьми. Читайте на английском и сербском языках.
More InfoPublications about the violations of sex workers’ rights in Turkey
Here you can find a series of five publications about sex workers’ rights violations in Turkey. The publications are mostly about transgender sex workers.
More InfoOSF publication “No Turning Back”- examining sex worker-led programs that protect health and rights
The case studies in this report offer a look at real-life sex workerled programming that has reduced police abuse, health risks, and other adverse impacts of bad laws and law enforcement on sex workers. The six case studies presented in this publication—in Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, South Africa, and Zimbabwe—capture a variety of approaches supported by […]
More InfoThe research about sex work, HIV and violence in Kazakhstan
The research was conducted by Public Assotiation “Ameliya” in 2015. This report talks about sex work, violence and HIV infection in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It presents the results of a research completed by the community of Taldykorgan city and Almaty regions. This report describes daily violence inflicted on sex workers by their clients or […]
More InfoThe research on voluntary sex work in Skopje, Macedonia
STAR-STAR published the research on voluntary sex work in Skopje The research encompassed 73 sex workers operating on the territory of the City of Skopje. The interviewees were women, men and transgender individuals from the open scene, closed scene and the scene of Shuto Orizari (the district with the majority of roma people). STAR-STAR, as […]
More InfoSex Workers, Condoms & Mobility among Men in Uzbekistan: Implications for HIV Transmission
Uzbekistan has one of the fastest growing HIV epidemics in the world. In this study, men who reported mobility were compared to non-mobile men in regard to paying for sex and condom use during paid sex. Only 42% reported using condoms while engaging in paid sex. Unmarried men were found to have six times the […]
More Info10 Reasons to Decriminalize Sex Work
This document provides ten reasons why decriminalizing sex work is the best policy for promoting health and human rights of sex workers, their families, and communities. Removing criminal prosecution of sex work goes hand-in-hand with recognizing sex work as work and protecting the rights of sex workers through workplace health and safety standards. Decriminalizing sex […]
More InfoResearch into Prostitution in Northern Ireland
The research was made in 2014 to provide the Department of Justice with a better understanding of the extent and characteristics of prostitution and human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Northern Ireland. Please find here the full document.
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