Guides and Manuals
This list of resources provides information about recognizing and documenting human rights abuses from organizations that work on a range of human rights issues. Although not specific to advocacy for the rights of sex workers, these guides, manuals, and organizations provide useful tools for collecting information about abuses and developing creative and effective plans for human rights advocacy.
Sex workers in Russia have published the safety guide
The sex workers led organization Silver Rose from St Petersburg, Russia, has published a security guide for sex workers. The guide was developed by sex workers. It contains the recommendations on how to protect health, privacy and personal belongings, how to provide the first aid to a client in case of emergency, how to chose […]
More InfoThe Manual for the Ministry of Health in Turkey
Red Umbrella Sexual Health and Human Rights Association published the Manual for the Ministry of Health in Turkey on Provision and Management of Health Services for Sex Workers in Turkey. The Manual has been developed with the support of the UNFPA Country Office and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Manual analysis […]
More Info10 Reasons to Decriminalize Sex Work
This document provides ten reasons why decriminalizing sex work is the best policy for promoting health and human rights of sex workers, their families, and communities. Removing criminal prosecution of sex work goes hand-in-hand with recognizing sex work as work and protecting the rights of sex workers through workplace health and safety standards. Decriminalizing sex […]
More InfoThe Smart Sex Worker’s Guide to SWIT
NSWP presents The Smart Sex Worker’s Guide to SWIT. This guide provides a short summary of the key points in ‘Implementing Comprehensive HIV/STI Programmes with Sex Workers: Practical Approaches from Collaborative Interventions’ or the ‘SWIT’, in plain English. The guide can be used by sex workers and sex worker organisations who are designing or running programmes […]
More InfoHIV and young people who sell sex: a technical brief by WHO
Key populations at higher risk of HIV include people who sell sex, men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender people and people who inject drugs. Young people who belong to one or more of these key populations – or who engage in activities associated with these populations – are made especially vulnerable to HIV […]
More InfoJoint Briefing Paper on Sex Workers Who Use Drugs written by INPUD and NSWP
The International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD) and the Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) have written a briefing paper focussing on the experiences, views, needs, and rights of sex workers who use drugs. The Briefing Paper discusses existing research and writing, and also includes case studies from sex worker-led and drug […]
More InfoA Guide for Sex Workers Human Rights Defenders
This publication is aimed at sex workers of all genders and backgrounds, sex worker projects, human rights organizations and advocates. It contains practical information on how to start human rights documenting projects, to organize human rights campaigns and to use formal human rights mechanisms. In this booklet you can find among others: – different models […]
More InfoThe new advocacy guide from SWAN
‘REPORTING FROM THE SHADOWS: Using CEDAW to Advocate for Sex Workers’ Rights in Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia’ here in english
More InfoTGEU Launches Guides on Trans People’s Rights in the EU
TGEU’s two guides on EU law provide an overview and summary of EU law that is relevant for trans people living, working, visiting or claiming asylum in the EU. Both guides cover the areas of discrimination in employment, discrimination in the access to and provision of goods & services, crime victim’s rights, and asylum Download TGEU’s […]
More InfoAdvocates for Human Rights and US Human Rights Network: A Practitioner’s Guide to Human Rights Monitoring, Documentation and Advocacy
This manual from Advocates for Human Rights and the US Human Rights Network provides comprehensive information and guidance on how to use a human rights framework to facilitate social change. The manual includes instructions for every step of the human rights documentation process, including establishing a project and its objectives, setting up and conducting interviews, […]
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