The research on voluntary sex work in Skopje, Macedonia

STAR-STAR published the research on voluntary sex work in Skopje The research encompassed 73 sex workers operating on the territory of the City of Skopje. The interviewees were women, men and transgender individuals from the open scene, closed scene and the scene of Shuto Orizari (the district with the majority of roma people). STAR-STAR, as […]

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A Guide for Sex Workers Human Rights Defenders

This publication is aimed at sex workers of all genders and backgrounds, sex worker projects, human rights organizations and advocates. It contains practical information on how to start human rights documenting projects, to organize human rights campaigns and to use formal human rights mechanisms. In this booklet you can find among others: – different models […]

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TGEU Launches Guides on Trans People’s Rights in the EU

TGEU’s two guides on EU law provide an overview and summary of EU law that is relevant for trans people living, working, visiting or claiming asylum in the EU. Both guides cover the areas of discrimination in employment, discrimination in the access to and provision of goods & services, crime victim’s rights, and asylum Download TGEU’s […]

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SWAN: “Stronger Together”: a publication for sex workers and their allies on addressing violence

SWAN releases “Stronger Together: Addressing Violence against Female, Male and Transgender Sex Workers in Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia”. This booklet is aimed at sex workers, sex worker groups, organizations working with sex workers, women’s groups, drug users’ groups, LGBT groups, human rights organizations and other friends who want to know more about efforts […]

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WHO Sexual health, human rights and the law

This report demonstrates the relationship between sexual health, human rights and the law. Drawing from a review of public health evidence and extensive research into human rights law at international, regional and national levels, the report shows how states in different parts of the world can and do support sexual health through legal and other […]

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Common Human Rights Violations Experienced by Sex Workers

The Open Society Public Health Program has developed a clear and simple guide that pairs common violations experienced by sex workers with relevant provisions of major human rights treaties. The guide, entitled Common Human Rights Violations Experienced by Sex Workers, explains briefly how human rights treaties are enforced and lists some of the most important […]

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